Year 7 Parents’ Consultation Evenings

Year 7 Parents’ Consultation Evenings

Our first Year 7 Parents’ Consultation Evenings will run on two dates: Thursday 31st October and Thursday 7th November. Both evenings will run from 4.30pm-7.30pm.   Thursday, 31st October will be for students in Personal Tutor Groups 7VA / 7HB / 7LK.  ...
Book your place on a Laurus Ryecroft Open Morning

Book your place on a Laurus Ryecroft Open Morning

Is your child in Year 6? Laurus Ryecroft is holding a series of Open Mornings for prospective 2020 parents/carers. They take place from 9am on the following dates: Friday September 20th, Monday Sept 23rd, Tuesday Sept 24th, Wednesday Sept 25th, Friday Sept 27th,...
Save the date for Laurus Ryecroft’s Open Evening

Save the date for Laurus Ryecroft’s Open Evening

Laurus Ryecroft will be holding an Open Evening for our potential September 2020 intake and their families on Thursday, 3rd October 2019. The event will run from 5.30pm to 8pm. We are very much looking forward to welcoming prospective parents, carers and Year 6...
Don’t forget to keep on reading this summer holiday!

Don’t forget to keep on reading this summer holiday!

Research suggests long breaks from the formal school routine of learning, such as the summer holidays, can contribute to a dip in progress when students return to school, especially when it comes to reading and literacy. Here at Laurus Ryecroft we actively encourage...