Help and support over the summer holidays

Help and support over the summer holidays

We hope that all of our students have an enjoyable summer break, but understand that this period can be challenging for some. If students are worried or upset about anything over the holiday period then we recommend the following three steps: Contact ‘Kooth’, an...
Summer Term Highlights

Summer Term Highlights

The Summer Term has been one full of excitement for Laurus Ryecroft! As we reach the end of what has been a fantastic year, we would like to reflect on some of the highlights from the final term before the Summer Holidays…   An unforgettable first production with...
Students can learn to stay safe on the Internet

Students can learn to stay safe on the Internet

It is Safer Internet Day today (Feb 8) and this week Mr Davidson will be joined by our Computing Ambassadors in assembly to highlight the importance of staying safe online. Our Computing Ambassadors will then be available in the library from 8-8:20 on Thursday and...