Summer Term Highlights
The Summer Term has been one full of excitement for Laurus Ryecroft! As we reach the end of what has been a fantastic year, we would like to reflect on some of the highlights from the final term before the Summer Holidays… An unforgettable first production with...
Consider yourself entertained! Laurus Ryecroft students take to the stage in Oliver! Jr. production
Students at Laurus Ryecroft put on a spectacular show this week in their production of Lionel Bart’s Oliver! Jr. Performing three nights in a row, the students gave it their all and left audiences amazed. A lot of effort went into perfecting the production, from...
Year 10 students take a trip to the University of Manchester
On Wednesday 25th May, students from Year 10 at Laurus Ryecroft had the opportunity to visit the University of Manchester. The visit was part of a campaign to support students who will be the first in their family to study at degree-level. The idea of being the first...
Computing Ambassadors visit local Primary School to teach children about online safety
On Monday 23rd May, 8 of Laurus Ryecroft’s Computing Ambassadors spent the afternoon at Aldwyn Primary School talking to Year 6 students. They delivered two separate hour-long sessions to the Year 6 classes. The sessions consisted of a presentation and...
Students take part in anti-bullying ambassador programme
This week, ten of our anti bullying ambassadors had the chance to take part in the Diana Award’s anti-bullying ambassador programme. The main aim of the programme is to engage young people, parents/carers and teachers to change the attitudes, behaviour and...
Students at Laurus Ryecroft are the lucky recipients of Alaska salmon to upskill their fish cookery
In a national first, cookery and nutrition students at Laurus Ryecroft have been lucky recipients of wild Alaska pink salmon to use in their classrooms, in a bid to improve their fish cookery skills. The initiative is part of The Fish In Schools Hero programme which...
Students get a taste of university life to inspire their future goals and aspirations.
On the 29th March our Year 9 students travelled to Newcastle University where they had a tour of the campus facilities, saw some graduation ceremonies and took part in activities to learn about studying at university. We arrived at the Great North Museum where we were...
Students at Laurus Ryecroft celebrate British Science Week
Laurus Ryecroft celebrated British Science Week between the 14th and 18th of March. Over the week, there were lots of different activities such as a Space Scavenger Hunt, Growing Microorganisms and learning about Kitchen Chemistry. However, there were two main events...